Here's the problem, though. I have problems, and I acknowledge them. I tried telling my mom about my body image issues and how I'm afraid I could be developing an eating disorder, and she didn't even take me seriously. She said I shouldn't worry about it, and it's probably because of my anxiety. No, it's because I'm fat and I go through long periods of self-loathing because of it, and because I feel like nobody would want me because of it.
Which brings me to the main subject: why is it that men are expected to deal with their own problems? While I agree that some problems can be easily solved alone, many problems cannot. But a lot of men don't want to admit they need help, even when they really need it. Furthermore, when a guy tries to get help, it's often not there. At least in my own case. Yes, I'm reluctant to ask for help a lot of the time, but when I do, it seems like people think I should just be trying to deal with it myself, and if I get help or advice, it's usually not useful or reassuring. I've noticed guys tend to be really bad at giving advice.
Of course, I suspect this has to do with stereotyped gender roles. Men are "supposed" to be strong providers, so they're expected to deal with problems themselves. And really, guys are force-fed these memes from a very early age. The only problem is that I don't see anyone trying to do anything about it. There should be a campaign or something.
Anyway, I was hoping this would be a longer and more thorough post, one with actual content, but I'm really not up for it. So sorry that this is shit.
No music, either. I can't really think of anything.
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